To chart or not to chart
Charting your body basal temperature (our body temperature upon waking after 5 hours of undisturbed sleep) and cervical mucus whilst trying to conceive for some can be off-putting, time-consuming and stressful. I have lost count how many people have said
Getting the Timing Right
Ovulation and Why the Luteal Phase is so important When trying to conceive, it is so important to know when ovulation occurs and to ensure the Luteal Phase (the phase after ovulation) is long enough to sustain a pregnancy. The majority
Incorporate some organic produce in your diet to reduce the load on the liver and to avoid hormone disruptors. Many pesticides have estrogenic effects which can lower egg quality. Meats, fruit and vegetables. Gluten – Cut down on gluten
Blood nourishing foods
Aduki beans, Alfalfa, Avocado, Apricots, Beetroot, Bone marrow, Black beans Cabbage, Cherries, Chicken, Chicken livers Eggs Dandelion, Dates Figs Grapes, Globe artichoke Haricot beans Kale, Kelp, Kohlrabi, Kidney beans Leafy greens, Liver, Lychee Mussels, Mung beans Nettle Octopus, oysters
Common male fertility issues
Medical issues Medical Condition Explanation Varicocele A varicocele occurs in the scrotum and is very like varicose veins that can occur in the leg. A varicocele can result in decreased sperm production and quality. It is present in around 15 % of the general
Male Anatomy
Sperm are produced in the testicles (in the seminiferous tubules). They are then held inside metres of “plumbing” called the epididymis, which lies on top of each testicle. Sperm are nourished by semen, which is made by glands along the
Common Female Issues
Some women get through their monthly periods easily with few or no concerns. Their periods come like clockwork, starting and stopping at nearly the same time every month, causing little more than a minor inconvenience. However, other women experience a
Vitamin D
What is Vitamin D Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin used with calcium and phosphorus to make strong bones. It comes in two forms. D2 in the form of sunlight and D3 which is primarily produced in animal cells such
Homemade granola
Ingredients 2 cups of gluten free oats 1 cup of roughly chopped nuts 3-4 tsp of cinnamon 2 tsp vanilla extract 2 tbsp coconut oil ( melted) 3 tbsp maple syrup Dried ingredients – chopped dried fruit, raisins, apricots,
Beetroot, Raspberry & Chia Smoothie
Recipe adapted from Serves 2 prebiotic / liver-supportive / warming / aphrodisiac Ingredients: 200g frozen raspberries 160g pre-cooked beetroot Juice of a large orange 1 tsp chia seeds 3 tbs Greek yoghurt Grating of fresh ginger Method: Add the beetroot, orange juice chia seeds and ginger to a