Common Female Issues
Some women get through their monthly periods easily with few or no concerns. Their periods come like clockwork, starting and stopping at nearly the same time every month, causing little more than a minor inconvenience. However, other women experience a host of physical and/or emotional symptoms just
Vitamin D
What is Vitamin D Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin used with calcium and phosphorus to make strong bones. It comes in two forms. D2 in the form of sunlight and D3 which is primarily produced in animal cells such as sardines, salmon, mackerel. Vitamin D deficiency Vitamin
Homemade granola
Ingredients 2 cups of gluten free oats 1 cup of roughly chopped nuts 3-4 tsp of cinnamon 2 tsp vanilla extract 2 tbsp coconut oil ( melted) 3 tbsp maple syrup Dried ingredients – chopped dried fruit, raisins, apricots, dates Method Preheat oven 120 fan /
Beetroot, Raspberry & Chia Smoothie
Recipe adapted from Serves 2 prebiotic / liver-supportive / warming / aphrodisiac Ingredients: 200g frozen raspberries 160g pre-cooked beetroot Juice of a large orange 1 tsp chia seeds 3 tbs Greek yoghurt Grating of fresh ginger Method: Add the beetroot, orange juice chia seeds and ginger to a blender. Blend until completely smooth. Add the
Abdominal Breathing
Taking time to clear your mind of the constant motorway of thoughts can help reduce stress and induce a peaceful state of mind. Women who are under constant stress produce prolactin, cortisol and other hormones, which can interfere with or even block regular ovulation. The breath is one
Overview of IVF
IVF – Long Protocol This is the main protocol most of your clients will be following. Starts on day 21 of your cycle Daily injections or sniffing to switch off ovarian reserve to send the patient into a menopause – DOWN REGULATION Downregulation drugs can include: Buserelin, Lupron