Alternatives of sugar
There are many great alternatives to sugar to help reduce inflammation in the body. Why not consider the following
Blood Tests and Scans
When people have been trying to conceive for 12 months or more (will vary depending on location, age and doctor) they will be sent for their first initial blood tests and sperm test. Female Blood Hormonal Profile You will be requested to visit the nurse to have blood taken
Vaginal Environment and Fertility
The Vaginal Microbiome Do you or have you ever suffered from regular bouts of Thrush? Do you or have you ever suffered from regular bladder infections? Have you had several courses of antibiotics in your lifetime? If the answer is yes to any of the questions above and are still struggling
Ten simple strategies for improving sperm quality
Regular acupuncture treatment improves sperm count, morphology and motility. It also supports good energy levels and strong libido. Improved nutrition, including a high intake of chicken, fish, fruit and vegetables, preferably organic, improves sperm morphology. Conversely, high fat and salt ready- meals will deplete sperm count
Stress and Fertility
Stress can be defined as: ‘A natural physical and mental reaction to both good and bad experiences that can be beneficial to our health and safety’. Our bodies respond to stress by releasing hormones which increase our heart and breathing rates. As our brains get more oxygen it allows
Sleep is an integral part of a healthy person. Getting good quality sleeps allows the body to heal and repair itself. We should aim for around 8 hours of sleep every night. Sleep in complete darkness to improve natural melatonin production. Melatonin is required for healthy follicle