My endometriosis story: Part 5
So I had my surgery yesterday. Thank you to all of those that sent messages I really do appreciate it. I was lucky enough to have my surgery at a private hospital in Windsor even though I was an NHS patient. Grateful I had my own room especially
My endometriosis story: Part 4
So next week I’ve decided to go ahead with the surgery. It’s 13 and a half years since my last laparoscopy where I had excessive endometriosis causing huge amounts of pain. Pain which I was told was normal, the pain I put up with since I was
My endometriosis story: part 3
So if you’ve been following my story, I’m currently going through a massive flare-up of my endometriosis. I had a laparoscopy 13 years ago and not encountered much pain since due to dietary changes and changing lots of lifestyle factors. However the last couple of months crippling
My endometriosis story: Part 2
So wanted to report back on my experience doing castor oil packs for my endometriosis flare-up. So much easier than I was anticipating. So what you need is a towel and pillow to lay on the floor, cotton cloth, castor oil ( I got mine from cytoplan
My endometriosis story: Part 1
I am an endometriosis sufferer. I had a laparoscopy and ablation treatment to remove severe endometriosis within my uterus and fallopian tubes 13 years ago. I think I had it some 10 years before that point but like many others, I was placed on the contraceptive pill at
Oestrogen Dominance
Oestrogen dominance is a common problem among women today. This is seen through oestrogen dominant diseases such as endometriosis, fibroids and ovarian cysts. It is caused by an imbalance between the two most dominant hormones oestrogen and progesterone. Too high oestrogen leads to low progesterone levels. Symptoms of Oestrogen